VKTRY Insoles - Everything You Need To Know
Do I get one or two insoles when I order?
We sell VKTRY Insoles as a pair, one for the left foot and one for the right.
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How are VKTRY Insoles customized for each athlete?
VKTRY Insoles are designed to be highly customized based not only on shoe size, but also based on sport and body weight. VKs come in 5 levels of flexibility because...
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Are VKTRY Insoles suitable for children?
We do not recommend VKs for children under the age of 13 as their feet are still developing. If you have any concerns about your children using VKs, please consult...
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Why do I need to enter my weight? What is the VKTRY Pro Level?
VKs come in 5 different Pro Levels. This is the flexibility of the insoles… the strength of the “Spring”. The bigger the athlete, the more spring he or she will...
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What if I wear custom orthotics – can I still wear VKs?
Our insoles are not designed to be used in conjunction with custom orthotics. Many people who have been prescribed orthotics (due to flat feet for example), actually find that VKs...
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